Ink |
Black fluid that is emitted from squids. |
Distilled Water |
Water that has been distilled and purified. |
Oil |
Sticky, flammable fluid that can be found deep underground. |
Rubber Sap |
Rubber sap that has been extracted from trees. |
Glue |
Adhesive material that is used to connect things, such as paper, together. |
Alcohol |
A flammable liquid that easily evaporates. |
Dyes |
Collected pigment that has been extracted from plants. |
Coal |
Coal found in a mine that can be used to create fire. |
Broken Metal Fragment |
It's basically scrap, but this fragment might be used to make something. |
Gunpowder |
A dangerous substance used to make explosives. You should only trust experts to handle gunpowder. |
Thick Iron Piece |
Incredibly durable iron that can be used in manufacturing. |
Sharp Iron Piece |
Sharp as a knife, it's important to be careful when using this material to manufacture something. |
Papyrus Sheet |
Papyrus sheet derived after processing the papyrus plant. |
Gold Bar |
A heavy gold bar that is worth quite a bit of money. |
Canopic Jar (A) |
Jars used to hold internal organs. The lids of canopic jars represented four gods called the 'four sons of Horus'. |
Canopic Jar (B) |
Jars used to hold internal organs. The lids of canopic jars represented four gods called the 'four sons of Horus'. |
Canopic Jar (C) |
Jars used to hold internal organs. The lids of canopic jars represented four gods called the 'four sons of Horus'. |
Canopic Jar (D) |
Jars used to hold internal organs. The lids of canopic jars represented four gods called the 'four sons of Horus'. |
Iron Thread |
A thread made of thinly pressed iron. |
Silver Thread |
A thread made of thinly pressed silver. |
Gold Thread |
A thread made of thinly pressed gold. |
Platinum Thread |
A thread made of thinly pressed platinum. |
Precious Platinum Thread |
A thread made of thinly pressed platinum that has been purified for 1,000 days. |
Netil |
Brown material that is thought to be made by rain water collecting in a place where animals or plants have died. |
Metil |
Grey material that is thought to be made by rain water collecting in a place where animals or plants have died. |
Etil |
Blue material that is thought to be made by rain water collecting in a place where animals or plants have died. |
Petil |
Red material that is thought to be made by rain water collecting in a place where animals or plants have died. |
Setil |
Golden material that is thought to be made by rain water collecting in a place where animals or plants have died. |
Crystal Stone |
A blue stone containing the energy of water. |
Wind Stone |
A green stone containing the energy of the wind. |
Earth Stone |
A yellow stone containing the energy of the earth. |
Fire Stone |
A red stone containing the energy of fire. |
Light Stone |
A transparent stone containing the energy of light. |
Lesian |
A thin and transparent object in the shape of a disk. |
Misian |
A thin and black object in the shape of a disk. |
Hersian |
A thin and white object in the shape of a disk. |
Jilsian |
A thin and golden object in the shape of a disk. |
Lusian |
A thin, disk shaped object tinted with all the colours of the rainbow. |
Rainbow Thread |
A thread made of an unknown material that shines with a rainbow-coloured aura. |
Gypsy Tears |
Tears of a sad and lonely gypsy collected to ward off evil. |
Dark Stone |
An opaque stone containing an evil energy. |
Rainbow Stone |
A transparent stone containing the essence of life. |
Bamboo |
A light but very hard type of wood used for constructing many different things. |
Black Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Green Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Blue Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Pink Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Red Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Golden Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
White Heart |
When an eons old star is destroyed, it results in this ore that possesses a mysterious power. |
Green Crystal |
A crystal used as a material for Emerald and Peridot. |
Blue Crystal |
A crystal used as a material for Sapphire and Topaz. |
Red Crystal |
A crystal used as a material for Ruby, Garnet and Amethyst. |
White Crystal |
A crystal used as a material for Diamond and Opal. |
Hook Wing Piece |
A feather taken from the hooks' wings. |
Thin Insect Shell |
The thin, brittle shell of an insect. |
Thick Insect Shell |
The tough shell of an insect. |
Limpid Skin |
A transparent shell that you can see through. |
Sticky Husk |
Husk coated in sticky, disgusting mucus. |
Insect Feeler |
An insect's sensory organ. |
Insect Leg |
An insect's leg. |
Insect Wing |
A wing ripped off an insect. |
Sticky Liquid |
A generically sticky fluid. |
Weed Root |
The tangled root of some weed. |
Weed Stem |
A dried up stem from some weed. |
Pollen |
Pollen that causes sneezing and wheezing to those with allergies. |
Thin Leaf |
A thin, delicate leaf. |
Thick Leaf |
A thick, stout leaf. |
Plant Seed |
A seed from a plant. |
White Animal Tail Fur |
White fur taken from the tail of an animal. |
Red Animal Tail Fur |
Red fur taken from the tail of an animal. |
Black Animal Tail Fur |
Black fur taken from the tail of an animal. |
Animal Tail Fur |
Fur taken from the tail of an animal. |
Predator Claw |
A very sharp claw taken from a predatory animal. |
Bark |
A dried up piece of bark. |
Animal Leg Bone |
A sturdy bone taken from an animal's leg that looks like it could be used as a weapon. |
Animal Backbone |
Hard and pointed bones taken from an animal's spine. |
Frozen Animal Fur |
Frozen fur taken from an animal. |
Ice Shard |
A shard of ice that sparkles in the light. |
Broken Horn |
A broken animal's horn that tapers at the ends. |
Bird Feather |
A feather from a bird's wing. |
Nymph Powder |
Powder taken from a nymph. |
Little Angel Feather |
A feather taken from a baby angel. |
Little Devil Feather |
A feather taken from a baby devil. |
Dragon Scale |
A tough scale from a dragon. |
Steam Oil |
Steam Oil is used in the construction of machine parts. |
Steam Heat |
Steam Heat is used to clean and prepare mechanical junctions for fitting. |
Steam Viper |
Steam Viper used in the construction of machinery. |
Mana Metal |
Mana Metal used to help construct and hold machinery through its special treatment. |
Mana Oil |
Mana Oil is used to keep mechanical parts from breaking down. |
Mana Heat |
Mana Heat is a special heat that is used to fuse parts together that normal heat cannot treat. |
Mana Generator |
The Mana Generator is considered a power source for all kinds of machinery. |
Mana Crystal |
Mana Crystals are needed for use in the construction of machinery. |
Mana Article |
Mana Articles are needed for use in the construction of machinery. |
Mana Load |
Mana Load are needed for use in the construction of machinery. |
Frozen Shard |
A rare shard buried deep within the snow. |
Ore of Frost |
This rare orb is so cold it hurts just to hold on to it. |
Soul Amber Fragment |
A stone with a strange energy that gives a relaxing feeling when touching it. |
Ametrine of the Mage |
A rare gem stone that produces coloured sparkles. |
Archangel Feather |
A feather taken from a full grown angel. |
Archdevil Feather |
A feather taken from a full grown devil. |
Cactus |
Just a desert cactus. |
Mystic Sand |
There is something special about this sand as it seems to glow. |
Ancient Tooth |
A very old tooth that looks like it belonged to a ferocious beast. |
Beryl |
A piece of the desert rock Beryl. |
Spodume |
A piece of the desert rock Spodume. |
Zircon |
A piece of the desert rock Zircon. |
Malachite |
A piece of the desert rock Malachite. |
Star Quartz |
A piece of the desert rock Quartz. It's in the shape of a star. |
Cactus Thorn |
A sharp cactus thorn. |
Wolf Claw |
A giant wolf's claw that's widely used to make accessories. |
Yeti Charm |
A charm that certifies one as a warrior of the Yeti tribe. |
Ruper Crest |
The special symbol of the Ruper Clan. |
Giant's Heart |
A giant's heart that is hard as stone and emits a red light. |
Frozen Scales |
Scales that have endured great cold until they've become frozen. |
Huge Horn |
A giant horn that can be used as a wind instrument, or to decorate one's living space. |
Behemoth Tendon |
A really tough tendon that can be used in various ways. |
Sharp Thorn |
A thorn with a tip so sharp, it can be used as a nail or even a drill. |
Noctilucent Leaf |
A leaf that gleams at night and can be used as a candle. |
Spider Web |
A sticky and durable material obtained from spider monsters. |
Killer Leaf |
A leaf with a carnivorous mouth used for consuming prey. |
Paper Wing Pieces |
A part of an insect's wing which is as soft and translucent as tracing paper. |
Plasma |
This plasma, necessary for spiritual beings to manifest in the mortal world, is all that remains of defeated spirits. |
Sikuku Costume |
Even the brazen may feel bashful when wearing this revealing costume. |
Ore of Magic |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of magic. |
Ball And Chain |
Used to keep prisoners (or husbands) from escaping. |
Torch |
Lights up the darkness, it's usually used in caves or dungeons. |
Warden Shell |
A very tough shell of a Sikuku Warden. |
Talisman |
A magic item that is believed by some to bring great luck to its owner. |
Ore of Power |
A mysterious stone imbued with intense power. |
Ore of Darkness |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of darkness. |
Ore of Water |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of water that can be used for cleansing and washing. |
Ore of Wind |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of wind that can be used to cool homes. |
Ore of Earth |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of earth that can be used for gardening. |
Ore of Fire |
A mysterious stone imbued with the power of fire that can be used to heat homes in the winter. |
Black Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Blue Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Green Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Pink Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Purple Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Red Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
White Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Yellow Dye |
A coloured substance that is used in the process of dyeing. |
Aleksandros Fragment |
A fragment taken from the legendary monster Aleksandros. |
Instance Key |
A key used to participate in the Oro Instance. |
Wedding Ring |
The adjournment of two people's true love. |
Rose |
A flower that represents love. |
Heart Chocolate |
A sweet gift to the one you desire. |
Reindeer Feed |
Used to feed the hungry Reindeer. |
Mana Shard |
A crystal shard that contains materialized mana. Found in Memphis, it allows the enhancement of another object. |
Orb of the Concentrated Head |
A cursed orb, found only in the hands of a Pharaoh, which mutates head armor pieces. |
Orb of the Tactical Body |
A cursed orb, found only in the hands of a Pharaoh, which mutates body armor pieces. |
Orb of the Warring Hands |
A cursed orb, found only in the hands of a Pharaoh, which mutates hand armor pieces. |
Orb of the Fastest Legs |
A cursed orb, found only in the hands of a Pharaoh, which mutates leg armor pieces. |
Spiritual Aura |
A strange aura that has no physical body and could vanish at any moment. |
Spiritual Stone |
A strange stone which is made of a spiritual energy. |
Soul of Dohokall |
An evil soul found in Memphis that once possessed a body. |
Fissured Plasma |
A warm energy of plasma found in Memphis. |
Enchanted Metal |
A metal of unknown origins that was used by the Memphis spirits. |
Empty Crystal |
A crystal that has been emptied of its power. |
Memphis Stone |
A weird stone found in Memphis. |
Memphis Ice Shard |
An ice shard that surprisingly has a hot temperature to it. |
Tainted Key |
A strange key, who knows what it unlocks? |
Slaughterer's Rib |
A rib taken off from a Sikuku Slaughterer that has a mystical dust growing out of it. |
Cursed Vagabond Wood |
A wood piece taken off from a Cursed Ant Vagabond. |
Heavygear Pilot's Femur |
A femur taken off from a pilot of an Ikaness Heavygear. It has an enchanting light. |
Moss Golem Skull |
A gigantic skull taken off from a Moss Golem. |
God Ra's Emblem |
The emblem was worn by the Sun God Ra. Perhaps there is some use to it. |
Mutation Essence |
A dangerous substance that may have disastrous effects upon contact. |
Malicious Orb |
An orb containing dark energy that can be somehow used as a material. |
Hope Orb |
An orb containing pure energy that is said to be capable of purifying those with a wicked heart. |
Destroyed Shield |
A shattered shield that bears the insignia of the Sepain Militia. |
Moon Pearl |
A precious pearl that has something hidden inside of it. |
Moon Feather |
A feather with a shine that resembles the moon's glow. |
Wicked Gemstone |
A gemstone that contains a devilish power inside of it. |
Heavy Chain |
A chain that looks ordinary but its weight is abnormally high. |
Growth Powder |
Powder extracted from a rock that never stops growing. |
Crystallized Memory |
A shard with a fragment of memory from a former tyrant. |
Small Time Core |
It is said that this shard can show events from the past to the one who holds it. |
Frost Armor Chunk |
A metal armor piece from a Frost Knight that must be treated with extreme care. |
Glowing Gemstone |
This stone has a never fading glow. |
Purifying Gemstone |
This stone will vanish when its power has weakened. |
Hard Ice Shard |
An abnormal chunk of ice that doesn't seem to melt down at any rate. |
Blizzardy Crystal |
A crystal that can bring an intense strong cold to those who come into contact with it. |
Teiwez Cloth |
A long piece of decorated cloth, carried by Teiwaz Sect shamans who serve Moon Pastor Laguz. |
Berkana Stone Fragment |
A fragment from the Berkana Stone. It's warm to the touch. |
Fragile Red Stone |
This red stone is a philosopher stone that has since mutated over time. |
Ulverick's Shell Piece |
A fragment of Ulverick's shell, broken off from its body. |
Accursed Agate |
A gemstone that upon touching it may evoke one's nightmares. |
Amorphous Heart |
The petrified remains of a once-imprisoned human. |
Wicked Stone |
A dark red substance that has solidified into this shiny stone. |
Abyssal Mirror |
A small mirror that bestows its gifts in exchange for something of equal worth. Must be careful when manipulating this item. |
Broken Test Tube |
A test tube that can no longer be used for its original purpose. |
Contaminated Ichor |
This ichor appears to be just a discarded byproduct. |
Appendage Tentacle |
A lost tentacle that was left behind from Sceptic Appendages. It's still capable of stinging sporadically. |
Appendage Fang |
A detached fang from the elastic jaws of the Sceptic Appendages. |
Sturdy Skin |
Skin that seems to be resistant against conventional weaponry. |
Mutating Spores |
Invasive spores that seek to infect and mutate within organisms. |
Mutating Dust |
This dust may look ordinary but it can change composition and shape in unpredictable ways. |
Radioactive Metal |
This metal compound has undergone a radioactive process, with minimal traces of radiation remaining. |
Luminescent Core |
A spherical object that has a particular glow emanating from its surface. |
Sunrise Spherule |
This spherule invokes the memory of a stunning sunrise. However, on its own, it acts only as a decoration. |
Dusk Spherule |
This spherule invokes the memory of a gloomy dusk. However, on its own, it acts only as a decoration. |
Fluorite Chunk |
Fluorite chunk that was flawlessly extracted. It keep it's magic properties. |
Celadon Lump |
A medium sized crystal lump with magical properties. It may be worth a fortune to some jewelers. |
Glaoucous Lump |
A medium sized crystal lump with magical properties. It may be worth a fortune to some jewelers. |
Dawnfrost Crystal |
A very light crystal but yet durable. It's only found in the Sea of Dawn in Lunar planet. |