Red Shoes |
Very charming, very red shoes. |
Waterproof Shoes |
Red shoes that have a waterproof coating, making them handy on rainy days. |
Leather Shoes |
Shoes made with stout leather. |
Dash Shoes |
Shoes that enable its wearer to run fast. |
Shoes of Iguje |
Exotic shoes with pointed toes. |
Traditional Shoes |
Exotically attractive shoes with pointed toes. |
Field Walkers |
Lightweight boots that make its wearer feel good. |
Wild Walkers |
Boots that protect one's feet from great impact. |
Land Walkers |
Comfortable boots that offer comfort when walking. |
Earth Walkers |
Comfortable boots that protect its wearer when walking on the toughest terrain. |
Marble Shoes |
Shoes endowed with the elegant beauty of marble stone. |
Luxurious Marble Shoes |
Shoes as hard as marble on the outside, but incredibly soft and cushiony on the inside. |
Redfield Green Shoes |
Refined, elegant shoes for people with refined, elegant tastes. |
Redfield Black Shoes |
Refined, elegant shoes for people with refined, elegant tastes. |
Redfield Red Shoes |
Refined, elegant shoes for people with refined, elegant tastes. |
Redfield Blue Shoes |
Refined, elegant shoes for people with refined, elegant tastes. |
Adventurer's Shoes |
Hand-made shoes given as a gift from the villagers of the Adventurer's Plains. |
Brown Shoes |
Basic shoes for new merchants. |
Vibe Shoes |
Shoes for rookie merchants that are just beginning to learn economic theory. |
Tamiya Shoes |
Thick and comfortable shoes for young peddlers. |
Semiya Shoes |
Thick and very comfortable shoes for intermediate peddlers. |
Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots for well-experienced peddlers. |
Rich Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots, which feel heavenly soft and velvety to the touch, for well-experienced peddlers. |
Redfield Chairman Shoes |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Fisherman Sandals |
A pair of sandals manufactured for fishermen that travel all of the world. |
Bomber Shoes |
A pair of shoes for experienced demolition experts. |
Cart Racer Shoes |
A pair of shoes that is favoured by highly skilled Cart Racers. |
Bourgeois Shoes |
A symbol of wealth, this pair of shoes elicit sighs of jealousy from passerby. |
Noble Lord Shoes |
A pair of shoes that symbolizes prestige and power and is typically worn by the aristocracy. |
Mana Steam Shoes |
Specialty magic shoes that can directly manipulate Mana. |
Mana Fusion Boots |
Special boots that fuse mana power with the flesh of the wearer. |
Staid Gentleman Shoes of Rebirth |
Staid Gentleman Shoes |
A pair of shoes used by the finest dealers to show their power and authority. |
Mercenary Boots |
A pair of boots for highly trained individuals who take part in conflicts for personal profit. |
Snowboard Boots |
Sturdy, waterproof boots that are perfect for snowboarding. |
Christmas Cheer Boots |
Adorned with Christmas cheer, these boots keep you happy the whole sleigh ride home! |
Navy Blue Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in navy blue. |
White Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in white. |
Gachapin Shoes |
A pair of shoes named after Gachapin because of its exact form of the original character. |
Mukku Shoes |
A pair of shoes named after Mukku because of its exact form of the original character. |
Transparent Shoes |
Transparent shoes that can be used to hide the identity of the character's look. |
Dark Shoes of Iguje |
Exotic shoes with pointed toes. |
Elven Shoes of Iguje |
Exotic shoes with pointed toes. |
Golden Wild Walkers |
Boots that protect one's feet from great impact. |
Golden Marble Shoes |
Shoes endowed with the elegant beauty of marble stone. |
Elven Marble Shoes |
Shoes endowed with the elegant beauty of marble stone. |
Dark Luxurious Marble Shoes |
Shoes as hard as marble on the outside, but incredibly soft and cushiony on the inside. |
Golden Luxurious Marble Shoes |
Shoes as hard as marble on the outside, but incredibly soft and cushiony on the inside. |
Elven Luxurious Marble Shoes |
Shoes as hard as marble on the outside, but incredibly soft and cushiony on the inside. |
Dark Junior Shoes |
Shoes for normal magic school students. |
Golden Junior Shoes |
Shoes for normal magic school students. |
Elven Junior Shoes |
Shoes for normal magic school students. |
Dark Senior Shoes |
Shoes for exemplary magic school students. |
Golden Senior Shoes |
Shoes for exemplary magic school students. |
Golden Senior Shoes |
Shoes for exemplary magic school students. |
Elven Senior Shoes |
Shoes for exemplary magic school students. |
Devil Feet |
This part of the devilish Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Frankenfeet |
This part of the monstrous Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Mummy Feet |
This part of the ancient Halloween costume wraps up your feet. |
Vampire Feet |
This part of the blood-lustful Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Werewolf Paws |
This part of the ferocious Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Wicked Boots |
This part of the magical Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Zombie Feet |
This part of the undead Halloween costume covers your feet. |
Tea Party Footgear |
Fable Shoes |
Holy Brown Shoes |
Basic shoes for new merchants. |
Elven Vibe Shoes |
Shoes for rookie merchants that are just beginning to learn economic theory. |
Holy Vibe Shoes |
Shoes for rookie merchants that are just beginning to learn economic theory. |
Elven Tamiya Shoes |
Thick and comfortable shoes for young peddlers. |
Saint Tamiya Shoes |
Thick and comfortable shoes for young peddlers. |
Legend Tamiya Shoes |
Thick and comfortable shoes for young peddlers. |
Elven Semiya Shoes |
Thick and very comfortable shoes for intermediate peddlers. |
Saint Semiya Shoes |
Thick and very comfortable shoes for intermediate peddlers. |
Legend Semiya Shoes |
Thick and very comfortable shoes for intermediate peddlers. |
Holy Semiya Shoes |
Thick and very comfortable shoes for intermediate peddlers. |
Golden Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots for well-experienced peddlers. |
Elven Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots for well-experienced peddlers. |
Saint Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots for well-experienced peddlers. |
Legend Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots for well-experienced peddlers. |
Golden Rich Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots, which feel heavenly soft and velvety to the touch, for well-experienced peddlers. |
Elven Rich Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots, which feel heavenly soft and velvety to the touch, for well-experienced peddlers. |
Saint Rich Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots, which feel heavenly soft and velvety to the touch, for well-experienced peddlers. |
Legend Rich Merchant Boots |
Sophisticated boots, which feel heavenly soft and velvety to the touch, for well-experienced peddlers. |
Golden Redfield Chairman Shoes |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Elven Redfield Chairman Shoes |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Saint Redfield Chairman Shoes |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Legend Redfield Chairman Shoes |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Golden Fisherman Sandals |
A pair of sandals manufactured for fishermen that travel all of the world. |
Elven Fisherman Sandals |
A pair of sandals manufactured for fishermen that travel all of the world. |
Golden Bomber Shoes |
A pair of shoes for experienced demolition experts. |
Elven Bomber Shoes |
A pair of shoes for experienced demolition experts. |
Saint Bomber Shoes |
A pair of shoes for experienced demolition experts. |
Legend Bomber Shoes |
A pair of shoes for experienced demolition experts. |
Golden Cart Racer Shoes |
A pair of shoes that is favoured by highly skilled Cart Racers. |
Elven Cart Racer Shoes |
A pair of shoes that is favoured by highly skilled Cart Racers. |
Saint Cart Racer Shoes |
A pair of shoes that is favoured by highly skilled Cart Racers. |
Legend Cart Racer Shoes |
A pair of shoes that is favoured by highly skilled Cart Racers. |
Golden Bourgeois Shoes |
A symbol of wealth, this pair of shoes elicit sighs of jealousy from passerby. |
Elven Bourgeois Shoes |
A symbol of wealth, this pair of shoes elicit sighs of jealousy from passerby. |
Golden Noble Lord Shoes |
A pair of shoes that symbolizes prestige and power and is typically worn by the aristocracy. |
Elven Noble Lord Shoes |
A pair of shoes that symbolizes prestige and power and is typically worn by the aristocracy. |
Saint Noble Lord Shoes |
A pair of shoes that symbolizes prestige and power and is typically worn by the aristocracy. |
Elven Mana Steam Shoes |
Specialty magic shoes that can directly manipulate Mana. |
Legend Mana Steam Shoes |
Specialty magic shoes that can directly manipulate Mana. |
Golden Mana Fusion Boots |
Special boots that fuse mana power with the flesh of the wearer. |
Grand Mana Fusion Boots |
Special boots that fuse mana power with the flesh of the wearer. |
Saint Staid Gentleman Shoes |
A pair of shoes used by the finest dealers to show their power and authority. |
Holy Staid Gentleman Shoes |
A pair of shoes used by the finest dealers to show their power and authority. |
Bad Santa Disguise Boots |
Santa Disguise Boots |
Santa's Helper Boots |
The holiday boots of the gift makers from Santa's Planetoid. |
Green Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in green. |
Yellow Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in yellow. |
Red Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in red. |
Blue Magic School Shoes |
Magic School Shoes coloured in blue. |
Black Santa Boots |
Green Santa Boots |
Santa's boot that are preferred to be worn by his Elves. |
Pink Santa Boots |
Leopard Santa Boots |
White Santa Boots |
Snow Wear Boots |
Nurse Shoes |
Shrine Maiden Shoes |
White Racing Shoes |
Shoes to be worn whilst racing. |
Heart Snowboard Boots |
Blue Racing Shoes |
Shoes to be worn whilst racing. |
Astronaut Shoes |
Shoes only to be worn whilst out of this world. |
Alien Shoes |
Show you come in peace. |
Pink Racing Shoes |
Shoes to be worn whilst racing. |
Winter Walker Feet |
Light Blue Santa Boots |
Winter Snowboard Boots |
Comfy Slippers |
Eclipse Ice Skates |
These dark skates were designed to provide a comfortable feel while skating on the ice. |
Undersea Ice Skates |
These refreshing skates were designed to provide a comfortable feel while skating on the ice. |
Exotic Ice Skates |
These luminous skates were designed to provide a comfortable feel while skating on the ice. |
Floral Ice Skates |
These beautiful skates were designed to provide a comfortable feel while skating on the ice. |
Black Magic School Shoes |
Orange Magic School Shoes |
Purple Magic School Shoes |
Blue Nurse Shoes |
Trendy School Shoes |
Beige Gothic Lolita Shoes |
Pink Gothic Lolita Shoes |
Black Gothic Lolita Shoes |
Pink Magical Shoes |
Blue Magical Shoes |
Green Magical Shoes |
Yellow Magical Shoes |
Blue Rudolph Boots |
Warm Winter Boots |
Kimono Zori |
Traditional Japanese zori worn with the kimono. |
Pirate Boots |
Boots worn by brave pirates. |
Bear Feet |
Entertain friends and fellow adventurers with this cute animal costume. |
Koala Feet |
Entertain friends and fellow adventurers with this cute animal costume. |
Leopard Shoes |
Shoes made from leopards, something only the rich can afford. |
Bounty Hunter Boots |
Shoes of a Bounty Hunter. |
Purple Bunny Shoes |
Medieval Shoes |
Shoes worn by knights during medieval times. |
Cat Shoes |
Trendy Beach Sandals |
Dancing Shoes |
Pink and Red Winter Boots |
White and Red Winter Boots |
Black and Red Winter Boots |
Witch Shoes |
Worn by witches and wizards during Halloween. |
Purple Witch Shoes |
Worn by witches and wizards during Halloween. |
Pumpkin Jester Shoes |
Bat Shoes |
Pumpkin Shoes |
Loose Socks Loafers |
Beach Geta |
Black Geta |
Summer Geta |
Master's Shoes |
Lolita Shoes |
Halloween Look Shoes |
Trick or Treat! |
Rabbit Feet |
A rabbit costume that's best worn during the Easter celebration. |
Love Story Shoes |
This part of the Love Story Halloween costume covers your feet. |
War Shoes of Champions |
Pair of shoes rewarded to those who have proven themselves in a Union. |
Pussy Cat Shoes |
Wolf Shoes |
Auction Master Shoes of Rebirth |
Moon Kana Boots |
Gingerbread Man's Feet |
Gingerbread Man's Vanilla Feet |
Gingerbread Man's Strawberry Feet |
Gingerbread Man's Chocolate Feet |
Gingerbread Man's Coconut Feet |
Golden Mercenary Boots |
A pair of boots for highly trained individuals who take part in conflicts for personal profit. |
Legend Mercenary Boots |
A pair of boots for highly trained individuals who take part in conflicts for personal profit. |
Auction Master Shoes of Resilience |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Auction Master Shoes of Agility |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Auction Master Shoes of Faith |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Auction Master Shoes of Precision |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Auction Master Shoes of Virtue |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Auction Master Shoes of Sharpness |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Resilience |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Agility |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Faith |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Precision |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Virtue |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Golden Auction Master Shoes of Sharpness |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Resilience |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Agility |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Faith |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Precision |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Virtue |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Legend Auction Master Shoes of Sharpness |
Luxurious shoes, worth more than platinum, that show the affluence of the wearer. |
Redfield Chairman Shoes of Rebirth |
High class shoes that are preferred by executives and politicians. |
Mana Steam Shoes of Rebirth |
Specialty magic shoes that can directly manipulate Mana. |
Anniversary Shoes |
Blue Winter Boots |
Halloween Diamond Shoes |
Black Solstice Shoes |
Purple Solstice Shoes |
Red Solstice Shoes |
Easter Bunny Feet |
Feet that resembles the magical Easter Bunny. |
Shark Fins |
Crazy Twenties Shoes |
Rockabilly Shoes |
Blue Party Shoes |
Red Party Shoes |
Pink Cherry Shoes |
Blue Outdoors Shoes |
Frozen Corpse Shoes |
Blue Snowman Boots |
Black Snowman Boots |
Orange Snowman Boots |
Pink Snowman Boots |
Festive Christmas Boots |
Cocoa Gingerbread Feet |
Vanilla Gingerbread Feet |
Rudolph Boots |
Snowman Boots |
Gingerbread Feet |
Merry Holiday Party Shoes |
Jolly Holiday Party Shoes |
Pop Idol Pink Shoes |
Pop Idol Blue Shoes |
Pop Idol Green Shoes |
Blue Rebellion Shoes |
Lilac Rebellion Shoes |
Yellow Mermaid Shoes |
Blue Mermaid Shoes |
Mythical Atlantian Feet |
Halloween Shoes |
Black Widow Shoes |
White Rose Shoes |
Pink Rose Shoes |
Pink Wrapped Shoes |
Glamorous Flamingo Shoes |
Purple Halloween Shoes |
Spooky Scarecrow Shoes |
Nice Winter Shoes |
Black Wrapped Shoes |
Pink Beauty Shoes |
White Beauty Shoes |
Peach Rose Shoes |
Chocolatier Shoes |
Rabbit Spade Shoes |
Rabbit Club Shoes |
Rabbit Heart Shoes |
Rabbit Diamond Shoes |
Elegant Winter Shoes |
Red Winter Boots |
Green Winter Boots |
Black Leopard Santa Boots |
Leopard Rudolph Boots |
Pink Winter Boots |
Icy Dance Shoes |
Red Halloween Shoes |
Pink Chocolatier Shoes |
Pink Marriage Shoes |
Orange Halloween Devil Shoes |
Red Halloween Devil Shoes |
Pumpkin Wizard Boots |
Chocolate Fondant Shoes |
White Chocolatier Shoes |
Blue Wrapped Shoes |
Red Rebellion Shoes |
Orange Neon Shoes |
Purple Neon Shoes |
Blue Neon Shoes |
Yellow Neon Shoes |
White Anniversary Shoes |
Blue Anniversary Shoes |
Jack O'lantern Boots |
Purple Halloween Devil Shoes |
Christmas Glamour Shoes |
White Christmas Glamour Shoes |
Chocolate Confectioner Shoes |
Orange Confectioner Shoes |
Cookie Confectioner Shoes |
Strawberry Fondant Shoes |
Styled Festival Shoes |
Dancing Fever Shoes |
Blue Mariner Sandals |
Red Mariner Sandals |
Milk Sweetmaker Shoes |
Strawberry Sweetmaker Shoes |
Lemon Sweetmaker Shoes |
Brown Wrapped Shoes |
Red Fashion Sandals |
Blue Fashion Sandals |
Purple Wolf Feet |
Chocolate Confiseur Shoes |
Strawberry Confiseur Shoes |
White Stylish Rabbit Shoes |
Purple Stylish Rabbit Shoes |
Blue Celebration Shoes |