
Item Name Description
Wooden Sleigh Wheels Wheels that are part of the Wooden Sleigh.
Pumpkin Wheels Trick or Treat!
Santa Skis A set of skis with enough elegance and grace to quietly race over the hilltops of Luna.
Wooden Wheels Wooden wheels that offer poor durability.
Carbon Wheels Wooden wheels reinforced with carbon.
Rapid Wheels Wheels that enable faster driving with rubber tires which provide better traction.
Steel Wheels Rubber wheels that have been reinforced with steel.
Tomahawk Wheels Tomahawk wheels reinforced with steel.
P.I.G. Wheels Incredibly constructed P.I.G. Wheels endowed with the speed of the pig.
Bull Wheels Incredibly constructed Wheels endowed with the strength of the bull.
Spider Hero Wheels Wheels that are based on a popular superhero.
Panda Wheels
Hamster Cart Wheels
Brown Cat Wheels