Level | HP | Attack Power | Attack Speed | Hit | Defence | Magic Defence | Dodge |
112 | 18,592 | 541 | 105 | 336 | 375 | 372 | 171 |
Monster Spawns
When you defeat a Tyrant, the monsters below may spawn from it.
Monster Name | Level | |
Shadow Wolf | 97 | |
Yeti Captain | 105 | |
Rider Captain | 108 |
Spawned By
When you kill one of the monster below, a Tyrant may spawn from it.
Monster Name | Level | |
Tyrant WarShip | 114 | |
Luna's Warship | 120 |
The following drops are available by killing a Tyrant, providing that you're within it's dropping level range.
Item Name | Classification | |
Holy Merchant Hat | Hat | |
Legend Mighty Armor | Combat Uniform | |
Legend Gloves of Shadow | Magic Gloves | |
Legend Mariner's Boots | Boots | |
Tyrant Pet | Pet Skin | |
Blood Mace | One-Handed Blunt Weapon | |
Dark Crossbow | Crossbow | |
Claymore | Two-Handed Sword | |
Blood Sword & Axe | Dual Swords | |
Golden Ice Sword | One-Handed Sword | |
Golden Scorpion Club | One-Handed Blunt Weapon | |
Saint Anima Crossbow | Crossbow | |
Golden Cross Launcher | Launcher | |
Grand Dark Staff | Magic Staff | |
Gladius | One-Handed Sword | |
Firangi | One-Handed Sword | |
Spike Club | One-Handed Blunt Weapon | |
Dark Buster | Two-Handed Axe | |
Halbert | Spear | |
Bow of Sagittarius | Bow | |
Abyss Rifle | Gun | |
Faust | Launcher | |
Chronicle Staff | Magic Staff | |
Crystal Wand | Magic Wand | |
Chakram | Katar | |
Shining Finger | Katar | |
Firangi-Firangi | Dual Swords | |
Castle Gear Engine Schematic | Gathered Goods | |
Warship Mount | Mount |