

Level HP Attack Power Attack Speed Hit Defence Magic Defence Dodge
112 18,592 541 105 336 375 372 171

Monster Spawns

When you defeat a Tyrant, the monsters below may spawn from it.

Monster Name Level
Shadow Wolf 97
Yeti Captain 105
Rider Captain 108

Spawned By

When you kill one of the monster below, a Tyrant may spawn from it.

Monster Name Level
Tyrant WarShip 114
Luna's Warship 120


The following drops are available by killing a Tyrant, providing that you're within it's dropping level range.

Item Name Classification
Holy Merchant Hat Hat
Legend Mighty Armor Combat Uniform
Legend Gloves of Shadow Magic Gloves
Legend Mariner's Boots Boots
Tyrant Pet Pet Skin
Blood Mace One-Handed Blunt Weapon
Dark Crossbow Crossbow
Claymore Two-Handed Sword
Blood Sword & Axe Dual Swords
Golden Ice Sword One-Handed Sword
Golden Scorpion Club One-Handed Blunt Weapon
Saint Anima Crossbow Crossbow
Golden Cross Launcher Launcher
Grand Dark Staff Magic Staff
Gladius One-Handed Sword
Firangi One-Handed Sword
Spike Club One-Handed Blunt Weapon
Dark Buster Two-Handed Axe
Halbert Spear
Bow of Sagittarius Bow
Abyss Rifle Gun
Faust Launcher
Chronicle Staff Magic Staff
Crystal Wand Magic Wand
Chakram Katar
Shining Finger Katar
Firangi-Firangi Dual Swords
Castle Gear Engine Schematic Gathered Goods
Warship Mount Mount