Boulder Golem


Level HP Attack Power Attack Speed Hit Defence Magic Defence Dodge
233 20,970 1,950 160 640 1,490 1,600 410

Map Spawns

Boulder Golem can be found on the maps below.

Map Name Planet Name
Ptah's Rift of Souls Oro


The following drops are available by killing a Boulder Golem, providing that you're within it's dropping level range.

Item Name Classification
Vital Water (XL) Potion
Spiritual Water (XL) Potion
Vital Jam (+2) Potion
Vital Jam (+5) Potion
Mana Point (+500) Automatic Consumption
Stamina (+300) Automatic Consumption
Accuracy Scroll (Solo) Magic Item
Blood Charm Magic Item
Diamond [2] Gem
Marble Stone Material
Essence Refining Material
Hime Refining Material
Blue Powder Chemicals
Golden Powder Chemicals
Lisent (Al) Chemicals
Lisent (Hg) Chemicals
Lisent (Na) Chemicals
Broken Metal Fragment Material
Papyrus Sheet Material
Precious Platinum Thread Material
Setil Material
Sporty Cart Schematic Gathered Goods
Mystic Sand Material
Mana Shard Material