Breakdown Glaive

You can link this item on the forum by including the following with your post: [armoryitem=6186]8001298[/armoryitem]

Market History

Below shows the average price of Breakdown Glaive where at least one was sold on a day. Always check the latest prices on the Market Place before pricing your item.

Used to Craft

Breakdown Glaive can be used to craft the items below. If you have no need for a Breakdown Glaive, someone else might.

Item Name Classification
Calamity Breakdown Glaive Glaive

Dropped By

If you're hunting for a Breakdown Glaive, try killing these monsters below. Clicking on the monsters name will show you which maps they can be found in.

Monster Name Monster Level
Cursed Moldie Scorpion 240
Moldie Scorpion 236
Archaic Moldie Scorpion 238